
Client - UNdisclosED Professional Employer OrganizatioN (PEO)

I assisted the Human Resources Benefits Consulting team in finding a learning solution that would address a knowledge gap that was discovered shortly before the benefits renewal period for PEO clients.

For this project, I hosted and produced live training sessions presented by Benefits Consulting. I also aided the presenter in enhancing the PowerPoint aesthetic. The samples above juxtapose the content given to me and how I formatted it.

In addition to helping with the PowerPoint slides and producing the training session, I used the recording of the training to create an eLearning module in Rise. For a better course flow and easier reference, I chunked the 90-minute recording into topics within the module.

Project Goal:

  • To orient Benefits employees to the company’s benefit funding strategy tool

  • To provide a means for participants to learn about the benefit funding strategy tool in a live environment as well as an asynchronous learning environment.